Impjiegi tal-Casino Strange, Biża u Wonderful

Land-based and online casinos can be described as the places where dreams are made, but have you ever considered what goes into the day to day running of a casino? Land-based casinos are massive operations that require hundreds, if not thousands, of people to ensure its optimum functioning.

While online casinos do not have the same overheads as land-based casinos, there is still an assortment of interesting jobs to be found, and today we take a look at just a few of the vital positions held at both.

Games Dealer

While being a dealer has its advantages, such as receiving a big tip if a player wins big, dealers also have to be able to know at a moment’s glance how many chips are on the table at any given time, and need to constantly keep their wits about them.

All dealers have stories about how things went wrong at their table – players becoming aggressive at a loss, players relieving themselves under the table to prevent having to leave during a hot-streak, and catching players cheating.

Counter tal-Flus

One thing that is in sheer abundance at a land-based casino is cold, hard cash. What many players may not realise that every casino has a well lit, highly secured room where employees count cash. All cash must be counted by hand before using counting machines to make sure the totals add up.

Of course, the casino has to protect themselves from employees with possibly sticky-fingers, so employees have to wear a casino provided jump suit and all money is counted on a clear surface so cameras can easily spot any money falling to the ground.

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Chip Cleaners

This is by far one of the most obscure jobs at a land-based casino. Consider how many hands casino chips pass through on a daily basis and you’ll realise just how quickly the chips can become grubby and grimy. While every casino has a team of people to clean the main casino area, there is also a team of people tasked with cleaning every single chip at all the roulette, Blackjack, Poker, Craps u, baccarat tables to maintain high standards of hygiene and sanitation.

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Every land-based casino has a team of highly trained security and surveillance personnel to monitor play on the casino floor and ensure the safety of their players. Losing money can make some people go a little crazy and other players need to be protected from these dangers. Surveillance teams constantly monitor cameras to check for cheating and have to check under each table for devices that aid this practise multiple times a day.

Online Casino Jobs

While online casinos do not require many of the same jobs people hold at land-based casinos, there is still a lot of work that goes into the running of an online casino. As online casinos use computer software to run their operations, a massive team of developers and designers create and maintain the casino interface.

Website content is also required and for this, online casinos employ copywriters and editors to produce articles to keep players up to date with online casino news and how-to guides to assist players with success at online casino tables and slots.

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Of course player security is of utmost importance at online casinos as players offer up a lot of their personal information for banking purposes. For this, online casinos employ third-party security software companies who keep out any individuals with nefarious intentions.

Players often have questions and require assistance with their account at online casinos and highly trained customer service agents are needed for this purpose.

There are all kinds of jobs that help make casinos run smoothly, and some may be a bit stranger than others!

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Impjiegi tal-Casino Strange, Biża u Wonderful Aġġornat: Ġunju 18, 2019 awtur: Damon